Air pollution pdf notes advantages

However, 95% of this air mass is within 12 miles of the earths surface. Air pollution has been one of the biggest problems that the humans have been facing over the years. Air pollution air pollution defined as the of one or more contaminants or combinations in such quantities and of such durations as may be or tend to be injurious to human, animal or plant life, or property, or which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property or conduct of business. Each solution goes through a strict assessment process performed by independent experts. The purpose of these notes is to examine how incentives for pollution control should be structured depending on what is known about damages, abatement costs, and emissions. Air pollution is the presence of one or more disadvantageous content in such quantity and for such duration, as it is catastrophic, or tend to be catastrophic, to human health and welfare, animal or plant life.

The environment pollution affects all the living organis. Given its complexity, tackling air pollution requires taking coordinated action at many levels. Costbenefit analysis and air pollution oxford institute for energy. As mentioned above, air pollutants can be gaseous or particulate matters. With the discovery and increasing use of coal, air pollution. Air pollution is now a serious problem for those living in big, congested, industrialized cities with heavy vehicular traffic. Pdf environmental pollution causes and consequences. Oct 31, 20 air pollution is a huge problem, and it is one that humans have caused. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution. They also note that if air pollution is causing populationwide decreases in lung function, as some evidence suggests, these changes could have substantial. Fuel switching based on meteorological conditions or air pollution forecasts have been used to prevent air pollution problem in many areas.

Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulates, or biological materials that cause discomfort, disease, or death to humans, damage other living organisms such as. Describe how global wind patterns are created and how this affects the air pollution. As such, humans have a responsibility to fix it as well. Air pollution industrial byproducts in the form of gases are released from iron and steel industries, power plants. Major air pollutants include sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide. Living organisms can survive without water for some time but cannot survive without air because when we breathe then we intake oxygen from air and. Lecture notes for environmental health science students air pollution mengesha admassu, mamo wubeshet university of gondar in collaboration with the ethiopia public health training initiative, the carter center. The main reason for environment pollution is human activities. Introduction as the name implies green technology is one that has a green purpose.

Thanks to legislation, technology and moves away from heavily polluting fossil fuels in many countries, europes air quality has been improving in recent decades. Setting up an emission limit the first problem in specifying air pollution controls for air pollutants is to set an acceptable emission level. Emission of substances that contaminate air results to pollution. This paper focuses on the advantages of green technology and the benefits that can be accrued out of it. The weight of an air contaminant in a cubic meter of air 3mgm and the volume ratio ppm v, or just ppm are normally used. Air pollution and its control measures 447 the other choice for an electric utility can be the use of natural gas as a fuel. Pdf as discussed in previous chapters, the mexico city metropolitan. Can air pollution negate the health benefits of cycling and walking. Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of substances are introduced into earths atmosphere. Introduction to air pollution colorado state university. Living organisms can survive without water for some time but cannot survive without air because when we breathe then we intake oxygen from air and releases carbon dioxide, if this procedure does not take. Jan 19, 2016 lecture notes environmental pollution causes, effects and control of air edurev notes notes for class 9 is made by best teachers who have written some of the best books of class 9.

These cause harmful effects on human health such as eye irritations, occurrences and aggravation of respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and emphysema. Causes and effects it keeps us alive but at the same time, it can also be harmfulwe breathe air everyday. Different techniques for controlling these pollutants are discussed below. As you know, humans and other living creatures rely on the atmosphere for respiration. Pollution is of different kinds depending on the nature of pollutants and pollutions. Meteorology and air pollution the earths atmosphere is about 100 miles deep. Discuss the composition of the earths atmosphere and the distribution of its gasses. We should all act now to end air pollution and thus to make the world a happier and healthier place for both humans and animals. What are the causes of air pollution pollutant description and main uk sources potential effects on healthenvironment particulate matter pmpm 10 and pm 2.

Air pollution is a type of environmental pollution that affects the air and is usually caused by smoke or other harmful gases, mainly oxides of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen in other words, air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence or introduction of a substance which has a poisonous effect. The federal requirements vary for different areas of the country depending on whether the air quality in the area complies with the national ambient air quality standards naaqs. Find out the causes, effects and solutions to air pollution, and how you can contribute to prevent, control and reduce it. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. It may cause diseases, allergies and even death to humans. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. Markatos encyclopedia of life support systems eolss owners, homeowners, and other pollutant sources.

In other words, air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence or introduction of a substance which has a poisonous effect. Health benefits of air pollution reduction annals of the american. Impacts of air pollution on human health, ecosystems and. Air pollution in india is a serious issue with the major sources being fuelwood and biomass burning, fuel adulteration, vehicle emission and traffic congestion. Environmental regulations and standard setting advantages and disadvantages of air quality standards p. Air is pulled through the detector by a batteryoperated pump. The present book is devoted to an indepthanalysis ofthe gen eration and control of air pollutants at their source, which we refer to as air pollution engineering. What are the advantages and disadvantages of air pollution. Air pollution causes, effects and control measures air pollution air pollution may be defined as the presence of one or more contaminants like dust, mist, smoke and colour in the atmosphere that are injurious human beings, plants and animals. Clean air is vital to sustain the delicate balance of life on earth. Searching for ways to improve air quality, the city government faces some very.

Cobenefits of global and regional greenhouse gas mitigation for us. Note that the higher percentage of additional costs for agriculture in this analysis as compared. Air pollution can be an externality in both consumption and production. This 12mile depth contains the air we breathe as well as the pollutants we. Biggest chemical factories, carbon gases exit by vehicles, cigarette smoke, burning of plastics etc. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pollution. Nitrogen, water vapor, and inert gases comprise air along with oxygen. Pdf causes, consequences and control of air pollution. Among the leading causes of air pollution, human transportation is by far the most prominent. Discusses various features of air pollution and the current generation of atmospheric dispersion codes. Methodology for valuing the health impacts of air pollution. Please read the article on different types of pollution to know more about it. There are different kinds of environment pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, sound pollution etc.

Categorized study of pollution helps to understand the basics in more detail and produce protocols for the specific types. Children and the elderly are often the most vulnerable to the effects of air pollution. A comprehensive treatment ofeach ofthese three areas is beyond the scope of a single book, however. Mar 24, 2017 air pollution ppt and pdf for free download. Air pollution simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Air pollution occurs when certain gases and particles build up in the atmosphere to such levels that they can cause harm to our health, causing breathing and respiratory problems, and even resulting in premature death, as well as damaging the environment around us. Causes air pollution is both natural and humanbased. Short paragraph on air pollution causes and effects. Air pollution is defined as the introduction of pollutants, organic molecules, or other unsafe materials into earths atmosphere.

Deforestation and hazardous gaseous emissions also leads to environmental pollution. This paper discusses the health impacts arising from ambient and household air pollution globally and at the national level india and recommends policy measures to reduce the health impact from air pollution in the national context. The air is certainly a lot cleaner today than in the days of the smogs of the 1950s, when factory chimneys belched out smoke and nearly everyone had a coal fire. Here are some examples of pollutants of different types. As the vehicle population reached more than 700 million, numerous cities experiencing rapid industrialization started to suffer from air pollution. Sources of air pollution include gases such as ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane and chlorofluorocarbons, particulates both organic and inorganic, and biological molecules. The actual classification that engineers and scientists use depends on the medium water, air, soil, etc. Economic instruments for pollution control and prevention a brief overview 3 one final weakness of existing regulations is that they have focused on large point sources, both because these were obvious first targets, but also to minimise the information, monitoring and measurement burdens on regulators. This can be in the form of excessive gases like carbon dioxide and other vapours that cannot be effectively removed through natural cycles, such as the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substancesenergies or naturally occurring contaminants. Air provides us with oxygen that is essential for living.

That thickness and volume sometimes are suggested to be enough to dilute all of the chemicals and particles thrown into it. Air pollution reduces plant biodiversity and affects other ecosystem services, such as clean water, recreational activities and carbon storage. I became a big air pollution nerd after i coughed through a beijing airpocalpyse, and the world outside my window looked like this. A software algorithm converts pollutant signals into concentrations. Air quality monitoring means the systematic measurement of ambient air pollutants in order to be able to assess the exposure of vulnerable receptors e.

Lecture notes environmental pollution causes, effects and. Environmental pollution can be defined as a change that is not wished or desired in the chemical, physical, or biological characteristics of any component of the environment air, water, and soil which can cause harmful effects on various or many forms of life. Industrialists release toxic fumes from factories into the air and chemicals into the water supply. Fundamentals of prevention and control of air pollution. Air pollution is a major problem of recent decades, which has a serious toxicological impact on human health and the environment. However, many people continue to be negatively affected by air pollution, especially in cities. Advantage and disadvantage of air pollution free essays. Download link is provided and students can download the anna university ce6011 air pollution management apm syllabus question bank lecture notes syllabus part a 2 marks with answers part b 16 marks question bank with answer, all the materials are listed below for the students to make use of it and score good maximum marks with our study materials. Effects of air pollution on human health and practical. This is not an issue for some specific country but it is important for people across the world to curb the issues related to air pollution.

The solar impulse label is granted to innovative solutions to air pollution that meet high standards of sustainability and profitability. Consequences of air pollution co 2 is a good transmitter of sunlight, but it also partially restricts infrared radiation going back from the earth into space, which produces the socalled greenhouse effect that prevents a drastic cooling of the earth during the night increasing the amount of co 2 in the atmosphere. Advantages and disadvantages of air quality standards. What makes the pollution control problem difficult is that the necessary information is often known imperfectly.

Air pollution may be defined as the occurrence of any foreign materials or gases such as oxides of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen in the air beyond prescribed limit, which are harmful for man, vegetation, animals or buildings. Population and the environment the impact of population growth on economic development is a complex issue. Reducing air pollution has a number of benefits to society, improving health. Cleaner air benefits human health and climate change. Pm10 gravimetric measurements in the mcma were collected using sierra anderson model 1200. It is the contaminants of air by the discharge of detrimental substances. Introduction general information about the problem. Environment is polluted often by natural phenomenon, such as earthquakes, floods, drought, cyclones, etc.

Economic instruments for pollution control and prevention. Air pollution and its effects and causes air pollution is one first types in this essay and it is one of the dangerous type that can directly effects the human body. Introduction in recent decades, the science and engineering professions have been heavily influenced by. Air pollution is a grave risk to human health that affects nearly everyone. Air plays a vital role not only in nature but also in the lives of human beings and all living organisms. Introduction to air pollution air pollution refers to the condition in which the existence of toxic substances in the atmosphere, generated by various human activities and natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, results in damaging effects on the welfare of human beings and the living environment omasa 2002. Air pollution is a major problem that can affect everyone. Definitions and classifications used in the study of air pollution are introduced. Economic instruments for pollution control and prevention a. Mar 19, 2018 the main reason for environment pollution is human activities. Although air pollution abatement policies have been.

Each of these types has its own distinctive causes and consequences. What are the disadvantages of environment pollution. One recent study estimated the annual gross benefits not benefits net of pollution control expenditures to the u. Lecture notes for environmental health science students air pollution mengesha admassu, mamo wubeshet university of gondar in collaboration with the ethiopia public health training initiative, the. Best available technology for air pollution control. Green technology, environmental pollution, renewable energy, green chemistry, ecofriendly technology, organic farming. Recognize that pollution affects the air, land, freshwater and the oceans. Air pollution is a type of environmental pollution that affects the air and is usually caused by smoke or other harmful gases, mainly oxides of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen.

Costbenefit analysis is an economic exercise which compares the net. Combustion this technique is used when the pollutants are in the form of organic. Also introduced are a brief history of air pollution. Pollution prevention concepts and principles by erica phipps, nppc research assistant. Evaluating the health benefits of air pollution reductions epa.

The united states, which constitutes for approximately 5 percent of the world population, alone produces 25 percent of the total carbon dioxide in the world. Ii technologies for air pollution control jiming hao, ye wu and shuxiao wang encyclopedia of life support systems eolss 2. Air pollution ap may reduce the health benefits of active travel at. Air pollution contributes to climate change, hence air pollution abatement policies have cobenefits for climate change abatement policies. Oct 21, 2012 air pollution air pollution defined as the of one or more contaminants or combinations in such quantities and of such durations as may be or tend to be injurious to human, animal or plant life, or property, or which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property or conduct of business. The origin of air pollution on the earth can be traced from the times when man started using firewood as a means of cooking and heating. Health benefits of air pollution control springerlink. Different types of pollution are categorized based on the part of the environment which they affect or result which the particular pollution causes. Dec 14, 2016 air pollution in its most basic definition is the introduction of harmful substances into the earths atmosphere.